Welcome to My Website!

“Steadfastly wonderful writing for real life.”

Photo from Pixabay.com

It’s been said that we are all just walking each other home. That is the theme and goal of my life and my work, that we might all join hands and find the place where we all belong – in the palm of God’s hand. As you peruse this website I hope and pray that you will be encouraged and inspired to do just that.

I invite you to learn more about my writing/speaking/teaching ministry by subscribing to my newsletter, Words to Take Us Home It will appear in your inbox every other week and will include updates on what’s happening in my personal life and my ministry life, as well as a few links of interest now and then. There is a paid option if you would like to support my ministry, but no pressure! 🙂 Just click the link above.

Be sure to have a look at my books before you go. There’s something for everyone in the family. I aim to please. 🙂

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